Lasting Friendships

I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Darkside for over ten years now and have watched him progress in the skydiving industry, all the way up to opening up his own tandem base jumping company, Base Jump the Bridge, in Twin Falls, Idaho. It has been amazing watching...


BASE JUMP THE BRIDGE  On August 15th, 2021, I had a life-changing experience when I decided to tandem base jump the Perrine Memorial Bridge in Twin Falls, Idaho. At the time I was going through a hard time in my life and it was a very impulsive decision. I met Dave...

Why You Should BASE Jump

In my line of work, I am asked quite frequently how to find the motivation to get through the days. The answer is always to change up your routine and find something that catches your interest. Okay, how do I find out what I am interested in? The simplest answer is to...

Hooked: Adventure and Self Growth

It’s a Thing Now Ya’ll So far, I have BASE-jumped the bridge twice. Maybe you have read the previous blogs, maybe not, but these jumps have become a journey to find me again and re-light my candle of excitement. You may be asking what is next? More BASE jumping of...
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